The addition makes the potting mixture looser and drain better to prevent too much water retention which is a weakness of Ficus Audrey. This is the Ficus Audrey’s sweet spot. Your ficus Audrey enjoys bright indirect or filtered light, much like other ficus trees do. Use a soil that drains well to prevent over-watering. Ficus Audrey are vigorous growers. This means it takes more time for the water to dry, causing your plant to sit in water for longer periods of time. Once every two years or so is completely fine; the ideal time to re-pot is early Spring when the plant has actively started growing after its winter rest. As such, its is used to tropical conditions. The ficus Audrey is native to the forests of Southeast Asia. How to Care for a Ficus Tree. Weeping ficus or fig is one of the most popular houseplants found in homes, offices, and interior landscaping. Like the fiddle, Ficus Audrey likes bright, indirect sunlight, though they do … This prevents the leaves from getting too wet. Come fall or wintertime, it’s essential to bring it indoors when the temperature drops under 60 degrees. Ficus Audrey Plants will need to be repotted every one to three years depending on the root growth. However, don’t use leaf shine as it will damage the foliage. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. Take It Outside. Finally, allow all the excess water to drain out. You can use cotton and rubbing alcohol to wipe down your scissors or knife. Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor) Plant Care, Peperomia Obtusifolia Care – Growing Baby Rubber Plant, Peperomia Rosso (Peperomia Caperata) Plant Care, Grevillea Long John (Spider Flower) Plant Care. Appreciates bright, indirect light. Most ficus plants have rubbery limbs and do not require much attention to thrive. Similarly, low light conditions or dark areas are the least ideal places to put them. Occasionally, a ficus may begin to wilt and die if it is getting too much or too little sunlight or water. Thus, always make sure to check before watering your plant. ... Repotting. Woody stems are known to take much longer. Ficus Microcarpa Care – Growing Indian Laurel, Growing & Caring for Fishtail Palm (Caryota), Areca Palm Care – How to Grow Dypsis Lutescens, Bird’s Nest Fern Care – How to Grow Asplenium Nidus, Norfolk Pines Care – How to Grow Norfolk Island Pine Trees, Rubber Tree Plant Care – How to Grow Ficus Elastica, Your email address will not be published. Ships in a 6" nursery pot. In doing so, eliminating the risk of root rot. A larger pot will allow the ficus tree to grow to its full potential. However, you need to make sure it is protected from the harsh rays of the sun especially during noon, mid-afternoon and hot summers when it is most intense. However, keep them at least a few feet away from the window, so they don’t get hit directly by the sun’s rays. If you look closely at your Ficus Audrey’s leaves, you’ll notice that its has a fuzzy layer. Ficus Audrey thrives under bright indirect light, so you need to provide plenty of it. Water the ficus tree immediately after repotting. The best potting mix for this Ficus is soil-based because it gives the plant all the right nutrients it needs to thrive. Work the soil around the root ball and then pat the soil down lightly. Thus, resulting in fertilizer burning its roots. Can you be allergic to ficus trees? However, indoors, its size is much more manageable. As such, you’ll want to wipe off the dust on a regular basis. They can easily outgrow the pot and your house as well. The size of a ficus houseplant depends on the size of the pot in which it is grown. This allows all sides of the plant to face the sunlight. Dip the stem end into rooting hormone to speed up root growth. You'll need to remove the ficus tree from its pot, prune away any excess or diseased roots and then repot the ficus in fresh soil. She has received awards for being a top content producer. The plant care for the Ficus Audrey is far easier to maintain and care for in comparison to other trees. The best time to do so is early in the spring. Ideally, you want at least 3-4 inches in length. Clean the new pot that you plan on using with soap and water. That’s a no-no. This prevents any bacterial infection as you wound your plant. North facing windows can likewise work as long as there’s enough light. Ficus plants have the unique characteristic of rubbery, glossy leaves and grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. I have come into a Ficus Audrey, beautiful tree. Generally, you can expect this to happen around spring time about once every two to three years. Light. This is your ficus tree's strongest season—in winter, summer, and fall, your ficus tree may be less adaptable. Repotting. Otherwise, you might end up a somewhat “bald” plant. Spring or summer is the ideal time to repot, as the plant is at its strongest. A healthy ficus plant grows very quickly. Once first fall chill arrives, you can stop feeding, at least until springtime arrives again. Scale is usually identified by brown or black bumps on the branches. Repotting. The problem with this situation is that when you water the plant, there becomes an extreme excess of water due to the large surface area of the soil. As with most other houseplants, you also want to keep your Ficus Audrey away from wind and drafts. ?ll be … Depending on the type of stem you take, it can take faster or slower to root. Ficus Audrey, is a gorgeous specimen tree well suited to those with a modern, minimal aesthetic. Place the stem in a jar or glass filled with water. The difference between the two is the a soil-based mix is similar to your garden soil in that it actually contains soil. If you overwater it, you run the risk of causing root rot. While more time consuming that just pouring water over your plant, this ensures your Ficus Audrey doesn’t sit in excess water. Thus, inside your home, the best place is often near a window. You'll notice that the plant is filling out and no longer fitting comfortably in its original pot. This allows your plant to get grow faster. Repot every year or two as needed. Ficus Audrey like growing in moist, well-draining soil. As the dust gets thicker, it blocks sunlight making it harder for your plant’s leaves to absorb it for photosynthesis. This is the only way to ensure that it is free of pests and potential soil-borne diseases that can affect your plant. The Ficus Audrey (Ficus benghalensis) is also known by a few other names including banyan tree, Bengal fig and strangler fig just to name a few.It has become a popular plant because of its close resemblance to much-loved fiddle leaf fig tree (Ficus Lyrata).However, it is much easier to care for and easily adjusts to new environments. These features, plus its strikingly beautifully shaped foliage make it a good choice if you want a medium sized houseplant to display in your living room. If you do keep them there for a time, you’ll notice its growth slow down, smaller than normal foliage and falling leaves. Unfortunately, all Ficus are highly unlikely to flower if grown domestically, due to the incorrect environmental conditions found in a typical home. Grooming and Maintenance. Whichever you choose, make sure to rotate your plant every so often by a quarter of a turn each time. As such, some people like using a soil-based mix as opposed to a non-soil-based potting mix. So, do avoid lots of fluctuation. Prolific root growth occurs when ficus are given sufficient sunlight and the proper amount of water. My rule of thumb for repotting is only repot into a pot that is one size bigger than you’re currently in. So, to keep the growth in check, you have to limit the repotting. Alicia Bodine has been a professional writer for 13 years. Once the cutting starts to root, you can move it into a container with fresh potting mix. Ficus Audrey can be propagated by seed or stem cuttings. Audrey Ficus/ Banyan/ Ficus Benghalensis. The larger the container (relative to the plant) means that you also have a bigger soil to plant ratio. It has become a popular plant because of its close resemblance to much-loved fiddle leaf fig tree (Ficus Lyrata). Native to India. If you have a ficus plant, it may either be an inside or outside plant. Otherwise, you’ll start seeing it shed its leaves. New member here. If the soil down there feels moist, it is a sign that you should wait one or two more days before testing the soil again. Yes, ficus plants are a common allergen within homes, especially irritating to those with asthma or other pulmonary complications. She has produced thousands of articles for online publications such as Demand Studios, GoBankingRates and WiseGeek. Make the cut leaving at least a few inches. in these conditions, it can grow up to 30 meters high and cover a wide area which is why it often provides a canopy for shade to other plants. Tap the bottom to loosen the soil around the edges of the plant. Alternatively, you can also try west and south facing windows. If you recently received your Banyan tree and it was looking happy and healthy, it probably wasn't a good idea to repot right away. Pruning your Ficus Audrey is more about shaping and sizing your plant. Hydrate the plant 24hrs before the tinkering with the roots to prevent the risk of transplant shock. A damp cloth will do the job. Thus, as you prune, this will start dripping from its branches. The most obvious time to repot a ficus houseplant is when it has a growth spurt. Turn your pot upside down while holding it over a trash can. The plant only needs a light application of a general-purpose houseplant blend applied at half the label rate every four weeks. When growing ficus indoors, it’s important to maintain a relatively high humidity around the plant. Utilize high-quality potting soil when repotting. I will certainly be ordering again in the future. Repotting an established ficus is usually best done in the late winter or spring. If you want to try it here, place the plant near the window so it gets the most light possible. The morning sun gives it a lot of bright sunlight without being harsh. While you might get tempted to jump pot sizes, it’s never a good idea to do so. Ficus ‘Audrey’ (Benghalensis) is the rubber tree’s fancy cousin who only visits on holidays. Ficus plants are not immune to insect infestations. A sure sign that the plant needs to be repotted is it you start seeing roots come out of the holes below the pot or start circling the container. If the soil feels dry at that depth, it is time to water. The roots of the ficus Ali should be a little crowded in its container but not too crowded. To do so, stick your finger into the soil going down 2 inches. Roots ‘circling’ around the bottom of … You can still take it out during summertime as long as you allow it to receive bright light while under a shade. Doing so ensures even, balanced growth. Otherwise, you run the risk of overfertilizing it which can damage its roots. If you know how to care for a ficus tree, youa? You can likewise use curtains to filter the light. Repot biannually in spring using a houseplant-labelled compost and the next sized pot with adequate drainage. But for all of their popularity, they can be finicky. Upon maturity tends to reach between 5 to 10 feet tall depending on how much light, fertilizer and pot size you give it. Thus, providing it with similar conditions allows it to grow optimally. Rinse the rest of the soil off of the roots with a light stream of water. Gently lift the ficus out of the pot. Turn the ficus plant in its pot upside down over a trash can. Pick a stem that has at least 2-3 leaves. Required fields are marked *. This will ultimately help to perk up the foliage and maintain as many healthy leaves as possible. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thank you! The University of Missouri Extension recommends filling the pot with a sterilized mixture of three parts sphagnum peat, one part vermiculite and one part perlite. Their root system grows modestly when potted and the plant does well when slightly rootbound. It is sometimes confused with Ficus microcarpa, which is actually less weepy and more upright. The Process of Repotting Ficus Once you have the necessary supplies, wash the new pot with soap and water and add some soil. This article discusses how to prune a ficus tree and when. Moisture that doesn’t dry up quickly can cause fungal disease to foliage. This is normal. When repotting, make sure to replace the spent soil for fresh potting mix. And make sure to monitor it for any low light side effects mentioned above. It is the traditional banyan tree. If you just bought the ficus plant, chances are the insects were already in the soil. Also, this is the time to repot it if its roots are too tightly bound in its existing pot. While normal and nothing to worry about, the sap is a headache to remove from carpeting, fabric and some types of flooring. Indoor ficus perform best when provided with regular applications of a soluble fertilizer to replenish the nutrients in the potting soil. The Ficus Audrey is beautiful and arrived in great shape. Between the two, the latter is much easier and takes a lot less time. Ficus elastica. Whether you observe these pests on the plant or just the damage done by them, you'll need to repot the ficus plant. And, you can likewise fulfill the requirements of your Ficus Audrey by choosing a high quality potting mix that’s well-draining. Your email address will not be published. Too large and you risk drawing the plant roots. Applying a high quality organic houseplant fertilizer once a month between March to September produces the best results. Instead, water the soil. You probably know and have seen the pictures of Audrey Ficus as the Indian banyan. If your tree is otherwise healthy, you might be able to get rid of the issue by removing the soil containing fungus gnat eggs. Light. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. its leaves also spread outward with a width of about 3 feet. After repotting, water thoroughly and place Ficus in a shady location for several weeks so new roots can grow. Like so many other tropical plants, ficus, like this variegated selection, prefers to be potbound, so repot it only when its roots occupy over three-fourths of the pot space. And, if left unchecked, you’ll likely end up killing your plant with kindness. Don’t choose a pot much larger than the previous as this could drown the plants roots. This will come out to the first knuckle (the one closest to your palm) in your index finger. Here’s how to repot a fiddle leaf fig. The biggest benefit of this is that it comes with the nutrients that garden soil has, whereas regular potting soil isn’t actually soil at all. There may also be some roots that have become diseased or rotten. Don’t allow the soil to dry past 2 or 3 inches max. Ideally, you want to keep the thermostat between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Houseplant propagation is one of the best parts about collecting indoor plants. Most ficus varieties thrive best if you repot them about once a year. Otherwise, its leaves will be scorched. Repot. A Ficus Audrey doesn’t need frequent repotting; they need it even less as they grow older. This is a little bit more work than most other houseplants. Repot frequently to prevent roots from becoming rootbound within the container. Repot your ficus tree in springtime, if possible. Otherwise, it is best to keep it in a container indoors. Repot only in spring, stepping up to a container no more than two inches in diameter larger than the previous pot. Because the Ficus Audrey is a fast grower, you’ll need to be ready to repot it every 18 to 24 months. If you prefer to maintain the current size of your plant, repot into the same vessel, providing new soil and trimming away some roots and foliage. The more consistent the temperature the happier it will be. Water must reach a few inches down. However, it is much easier to care for and easily adjusts to new environments. This works best if your tree needs repotting anyway because of over-watering or being too root-wrapped. Repotting annually is recommended to slow down its growth and maintain a manageable size of the plant. Among the common pests that infest the Ficus Audrey are scale, mealybugs, spider mites and nematodes. Oct 29, 2013 - Ficus trees are a common plant in the home. In addition to wiping its leaves, you’ll also want to inspect the plant for pests. Ficus plants are a common houseplant, as they are easy to maintain. What makes it very attractive are its uniquely shaped leaves, which are thick and dark green in color adorned with pale colored veins. But, the fuzz does tend to collect dust. So, it is a good idea to do your trimming outside, or place newspaper or plastic on the floor to cover the plant as it drips as well as where you’ll be placing the pruned stems (which will keep dripping as well). Make sure to dilute the dose based on the instructions provided with the product. Ficus trees that begin to slow in growth or require an unusual amount of water may be suffering from overcrowded roots. This gives you enough stem to dip in water and likewise allow it to stand upright in soil. As a result, you have a stronger plant. If your tap water is on the hard side, use filtered or distilled although Ficus species are pretty tolerant of hard water. But, they do most of their growing during spring and summer. Young plants may benefit from annual repotting, but every three years is … This ensures that it is capable of growing foliage. Choose a pot with drainage holes that’s 2-4 inches wider than the root ball of your Ficus Audrey. The Audrey Ficus won’t grow nearly as tall or wide indoors. If you live in USDA zones 10 to 12, you can grow it outdoors as well. Treatment with an insecticide labeled for use on ficus plants is important, but repotting the ficus plant also gets rid of any insects that may have remained in the soil. These bumps contain insects under a … They are elegant and grow dense, glossy dark foliage, although, when stressed, it will shed its leaves easily. 5. Some people do thing in an attempt to make the leaves look less fuzzier and more vibrant. Doing so gets rid of the spent, old, dying or discolored leaves and allows new ones to take their place. It also like rich soil high in organic matter. This means that the plants do best in east facing windows. Remove the ficus from its container and check on the health of the roots. During this time it goes into its resting/dormant stage. Do not repot it inside your home because it will be messy. This means watering the soil until moisture starts dripping from the holes at the bottom of your pot. That will be your signal to stop. Cool winds from open doors or windows as well as air conditioning are no-nos. Only fertilize when the ficus is actively growing in spring and summer. Also, don’t pour over the plant. Insects and Diseases: Scale is the most common insect that attacks a Ficus. Sometimes, these pests hide on the underside of leaves. When it does, it is time to move to a pot that’s 2 to 4 inches bigger. It has slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk. Similarly, it can be susceptible to leaf spots caused by fungal or bacterial disease. Then, when the weather starts to warm back up and the daylight hours increase, go back to spoiling your ficus with more regular watering and feeding. Always check both sides of the foliage. If you repot into a pot that is much too big, the soil will stay wet much longer and not dry out as much. It was pretty pot bound with a poor draining nursery pot. That said, most houseplants are grown in potting soil. Fertilize seasonally to make sure the soil is pH neutral and has a healthy amount of nitrogen. If you see these signs happen, move it to a brighter spot. However, it enjoys being root bound so you can keep it a little longer. Doing this as needed allows you to craft its look and maintain it. This means that you want to feed it during this time. There are over 800 species of ficus plants and the two most popular indoor species are the rubber tree (Ficus elastica) and the weeping fig (Ficus benjamina). Common pests include mealybugs, thrips, ficus whiteflies and the fig wax scale. There are times when a ficus tree benefits from re-potting, possibly because of overcrowding or an insect infestation. In doing so, it runs the risk of root rot. Set the pot aside and shake the excess soil off of the roots. This is one reason many gardeners use non-woody stems for stem cutting. It is also worth noting that the Ficus Audrey produces sap when wounded. In addition, pruning is likewise healthy for it because it encourages new growth. The ficus species contains over 1,000 different types of plants. They grow to … Ficus plants are so easy to grow indoors that occasionally they outgrow their site. However, the downside to soil-based mixes is that you need to make sure you’re using a high quality product that’s been sterilized. The potting vessel typically will be 2 to 4 inches larger in diameter to allow for ample growth. The Ficus Audrey (Ficus benghalensis) is also known by a few other names including banyan tree, Bengal fig and strangler fig just to name a few. Then add perlite to make it lighter. Remove that excess soil that is not in immediate contact with the roots. If the roots are coming out of the drainage holes, then it is time to repot it. Ficus Audrey is easier to care for than its cousin, the Fiddle Leaf Fig, and has velvety oval leaves that grow on a white trunk. Ficus plants are known for their shiny leather-like leaves that require little maintenance. Weeping fig is one of the best plants for improving air qua… The plant can’t tolerate strong, direct sunlight for long periods of time. How to Grow a Weeping Fig Ficus in a Container, North Dakota State University Extension Service: Questions on: Ficus, University of Minnesota Extension Service: Rubber Trees, Weeping Figs and Other Friendly Ficus, University of Missouri Extension: Caring for Houseplants, University of Florida IFAS Extension Collier County: Ficus Trees Under Severe Insect Attack, Tiny White Insects in the Soil of an Orchid. If you can wait until spring to replant your plant, leave the plant in its current pot until then. This plant becomes a massive tree in its native home of India, but it will be a perfectly happy resident of any home that is able to provide very bright light with a little bit of direct sunlight. Ficus plants do not like to be moved, so the best option is to prune the plant. When watering the soil, do so deeply. Ficus Audrey needs to be planted in fertile soil. Being native to Southeast Asis, the plant is accustomed to warm, humid environments. Because you repotted, the excess soil you added to the top of the original rootball will hinder you when assessing when to water. Due to the nature of their leaves, this plant is also called a rubber plant or rubber tree, and the genus Ficus has a variety of related plants and trees. Click here for more info. For example, if your Ficus Audrey is in a 8 inch pot and needs to be repotted, use a 10 inch pot and no bigger. If you do need to increase humidity indoors, a few options include: As with other houseplants, your Ficus Audrey doesn’t like being too dry or too wet. Feeding it during this time will result in excess unused fertilizer because the plant doesn’t need it. $75-$100. Make sure that the soil is well-draining, with plenty of drainage holes on the pot. As always, make sure to sterilize your cutting instrument before pruning. Repotting: Ficus Audrey doesn’t require frequent repotting, and quite likes being slightly root-bound. Potting mix, possibly because of overcrowding or an insect infestation ” plant 75 degrees Fahrenheit before tinkering... Under bright indirect light, fertilizer and pot size you give it idea to do.! Work than most other houseplants Audrey can be propagated by seed or stem.! 'Ll need to repot the ficus plant knuckle ( the one closest to your garden soil in it! 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