We will ask it to Maven 'sonar.dynamicAnalysis' is deprecated since version 4.3 and should no longer be used. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Analysis report generated in 122ms, dir size=78 KB When using a code coverage tool, you need easy access to reports and metrics. The version of SonarQube used in the project is the lts (long term support version) and the Jacoco plugin comes with the version of Gradle in the project (6.4.1). This uses the LTS version of SonarQube (currently version 7). Code coverage shows you how much of your application is not covered by automated tests and is therefore vulnerable to defects. Use JaCoCo’s xml report and sonar-jacoco plugin. That file who used by Sonarqube to generate and display report about codecoverage, code quality, etc. Adequate code coverage is one of the key milestones that we follow as a practice. Just add the following plugin definition to build.gradle: Now let’s run ./gradlew test. Discover how to apply the Gradle Jacoco plugin to your project and run a SonarQube scan to generate a code coverage report. could not see the code coverage as of running through this today. We’re going to run through an example of exactly how this works. Once you have enabled the JaCoCo agent you need to run tests manually or automated. 3. I suggest also having a look at the other reports within SonarQube, such as bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. Can you please provide some more details about the problem you’re having? build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: ————- Run sensors on project See change history for latest features and bug fixes. Thanks to Anirudh Bhardwaj for guiding us and Airtel X Labs co-workers who have collaborated to make this happen. Look, on coverage report under target folder there is file called jacoco-unit.exec. In order to use it with Sonarqube, we have export the report in *.exec format. Awesome! 1. We can include it in our build.gradle like this: We also need to include a configuration to tell the SonarQube scanner where to find the SonarQube server that we have running: Lastly, to ensure the Jacoco test report will always be created when we run the sonarqube task let’s setup the following dependsOn relationship: Now we just need to run the sonarqube task to run a scan: We can head back to SonarQube at localhost:9000 to see the test code coverage report: Click on the 1 project analysed link to see the report overview: We can see a reported code coverage of 66.7%. JaCoCo is an actively developed line coverage tool, that is used to measure how many lines of our code are tested. Finally, look at code coverage as one aspect of your overall QA Strategy. Part 1 : Setting up Sonar Server Locally In this tutorial, we will understand below topics - How to do Sonar Server Configuration locally? I think the problem is with the latest version of Sonarqube, as specified in docker-compose.yml. I will be taking a look later today, so please bare with me. JaCoCo is an abbreviation for Java Code Coverage. GRADLE PLUGINSJacoco Plugin docsSonarQube Plugin docs. version: JaCoCo 1.0.1, SonarQube 7.4, SonarJava 5.10.2, Gradle 5.0 I would like to receive information about coverage per test from line. ✅ Exclusive tips not found on my website. I use cookies to ensure that I give you the best experience on my website. I know that SonarQube has integration with version control system such as GitLab (see docs). In order to measure the test coverage we rely on Code Coverage tools. It’s free to open source library developed by EclEmma. Sorry you couldn’t get the example working. I did some research and found the JaCoCo code coverage library.It looked interesting and I decided to give it a shot. F.ex. The master branch of JaCoCo is automatically built and published. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Analysis report compressed in 11ms, zip size=13 KB Download (Maven Repository) 3. It’s an essential metric to understand the quality of QA efforts. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor Dear Tom, build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: ———————————————————————— Code coverage is a metric that many teams use to check the quality of their tests, as it represents the percentage of production code that has been tested. For an example of this setup, check out the sonarqube-8 branch on GitHub. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Analysis total time: 5.861 s View the sonarqube-8 branch if you want to see an example with the latest SonarQube version. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor SurefireSensor [java] (done) | time=31ms Code Coverage with JaCoCo, Sonar and Maven In this tutorial we will understand the JaCoCo Integration with Maven and Sonar for Code Coverage. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: CPD calculation finished Install standalone JaCoCo java agent on any running java process or server. We will understand and implement the below topics. How To Secure Your Gradle Credentials In Jenkins, Using PlantUML For Diagrams In A GitLab Wiki, https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/CITnet/sonarqube/dashboard?id=EACDEVOPS-SRCKEY, https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/CITnet/sonarqube/api/ce/task?id=AXENiSBOgY0MYh9regFH, Gradle implementation vs. compile dependencies, Building a Spring Boot application in Jenkins (part 1 of microservice devops series), an instance of SonarQube running in Docker, a Java project with a class and some unit tests, the multiply method is covered by tests (green mark), the subtract method is not covered by tests (red mark). It has been helpful in me figuring out how all of this works! Generate Code Coverage Report and Integrate with SONAR build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor Java CPD Block Indexer (done) | time=19ms This suits you well when you want to run JaCoCo on your live or test environments directly. We now see information about what class has been analysed, in this case the MathService. Now that we’ve got our test code coverage data being generated by Jacoco, it’s time to hook all this up by running a SonarQube scan. JaCoCo offers instructions, line and branch coverage. Nice and easy explained. output=,address=*,port=. With SonarQube 8 the jacoco.exec file is no longer compatible, and instead we have to create a report in xml format. SonarQube code quality metrics of the current JaCoCo implementation are available on SonarCloud.io. Yellow diamond shows that the code is partially covered – some branches have not been exercised. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor Dependency-Check [dependencycheck] (done) | time=4ms Please check property sonar.dependencyCheck.reportPath:… SonarQube is configured to start on port 9090. This will generate the test coverage statistics for our Java code. To avoid server interruption for the report you need to enable command interface using following option. But in SonarQube report on green line indicated coveraged lines is written Covered by following tests: There is no extra information about test files. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoSensor [java] When I started using Java 7, I noticed right away that the Cobertura Maven plugin doesn’t support it.This was a huge problem to me because I used code coverage reports every day. This tool helps us in finding out the piece of code which is not used at all while running the system, it can be manual or by some sort automatic test.Attaching JaCoCo to your unit test makes sure that you haven’t missed out any unwanted untested code.It gives you an estimate of how many times your code got executed. The SonarQube is setup and running on port 9000. — Prepares a variable, jacoco.agent.ut.arg, that contains the infoto be passed to the JVM hosting the code being tested. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms 2. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor Java CPD Block Indexer With SonarQube, the code coverage metric has to be computed outside of SonarQube. Also in case, you do not have test setups or local workspace setup. org.jacocojacoco-maven-plugin0.8.1-SNAPSHOTundefinedundefinedorg.jacocojacoco-maven-plugin report undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined. So we’re hoping that SonarQube will highlight the fact that we’re missing a test here i.e. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor JaCoCoSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms Just add the following docker-compose.yml file to your project: This will use the lts (long term support) version of the SonarQube Docker image, which is currently SonarQube version 7 (for version 8 instructions see the later section). This Java argument will attach the JaCoCo agent. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor HTML [web] Click on the 66.7% link. 1. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: More about the report processing at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/CITnet/sonarqube/api/ce/task?id=AXENiSBOgY0MYh9regFH It can’t tell you anything about the quality of your tests, but it nevertheless is one of the most important metrics in use. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] A code coverage tool should be well-integrated with a broad range of development and QA tools that you already use so that your team is likely to adopt it readily and the code coverage metrics it provides are useful. However i get 0% coverage, 100% unit test Could it be related to this: — Specific to generate mapping between tests and covered code →listenerorg.sonar.java.jacoco.JUnitListenerjavaUTF-8jacoco0.7.93.2${project.build.directory}jacoco.exec${jacoco.outputDir}/${jacoco.out.ut.file}20180813, Note:- You can add files for exclusions in -Dsonar.coverage.exclusions argument or in(only folder level and class level exclusion is available in jacoco, we cannot exclude methods), org.codehaus.sonar-plugins.javasonar-jacoco-listeners${sonar-jacoco-listeners.version}test, org.sonarsource.scanner.mavensonar-maven-plugin3.4.0.905org.jacocojacoco-maven-plugin${jacoco.version}true →, Step 2: Copy JaCoCo agent jar on the server (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jacoco/org.jacoco.agent), Step 3: Add below arguments in the application service (Spring boot) and Catalina.sh (Tomcat), and in Environments->Servers -> NAME -> Start Server -> Arguments (Webogic), -javaagent:/app/jacoco-agent/lib/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/tmpjacoco.exec,append=true,includes=com.airtel.*,jmx=true,dumponexit=true. simple 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 Finished task ‘sonarqube source scanning’ with result: Success Another option might be to use the Web API to get the information you need then format it into a report. I use TeamCity as a CI tool to get the code compiled and perform the cpde coverage through Jacoco plugin (which was written on parent pom.xml file). s. Hi Stefan. Hi Kevin. If so, are you seeing that the project has been analysed? Please check property sonar.dependencyCheck.htmlReportPath:… 3. I was trying to fix why it wasn’t working in a pipeline for work, but I can’t even get it to work using this demo. Try it out on your own project to see how you measure up. An official Docker image exists for SonarQube, making this really easy to get up and running using Docker Compose. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: SCM Publisher is disabled I have updated the GitHub repository and blog post to specify the version of lts (long term support) instead of latest. SonarQube can also be configured to use Cobertura as the code coverage tool.. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Process Dependency-Check report (done) | time=4ms Have a look at importing JaCoCo coverage report in XML format guide. build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: ———————————————————————— build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=3ms build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: Analysis skipped/aborted due to missing report file Coverage with Jacoco and Sonarqube. Analyzing the code coverage is another important aspect in the industry. This is the logging: build 24-Mar-2020 18:13:42 INFO: parsing [/ec/local/citnet/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/EACDEVOPS-EACDEVOPSPLAN1-CHEC/sonarqube-jacoco-code-coverage/build/test-results/test] So there’s definitely room for improvement! jacocoLog.exec), java -jar -Djacoco.dest=/tmp/ jacocoLog.exec /app/jacoco-agent/lib/runtime-code-coverage.jar, java -Djacoco.dest=/tmp/testJacoco.exec -Djmx.port=9911 -Dservice.url=$SERVER_IP -jar /app/solace-app-jar-with-dependencies.jar. If i run the same example against an external sonarqube scanner i have also 0 %. Your email address will not be published. Install standalone JaCoCo java agent on any running java process or server. As sonar.jacoco.reportPath and sonar.jacoco.reportPaths are deprecated properties from the sonar version of 7.7 which should be replaced with sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths. Consider using something like GitLab pipelines or Jenkins for that. Maybe you’ll learn something new about your codebase and how to improve it? →prepare-ut-agentprocess-test-classesprepare-agentjacoco.agent.ut.argtrueorg.apache.maven.pluginsmaven-surefire-plugin${jacoco.agent.ut.arg} 1.4