How to do a “Count” in Shopify

Recently I was trying to figure out how to do a “Count” in the shopify liquid.

My goal was to have a “forloop” looking at the “Vendor” in my cart. If there was “vendor a” set “variable a” to plus 1 else if there was “vendor b” set “variable b” to plus 1 and so forth.

Then if  “variable a” was greater than “0” display a message or if “variable b” was greater than “0” display a different message, and of course a combination of the two.

Counting in Shopify is surprisingly easy, the example below is looking at product vendors in the Shopify cart:

{% assign a = 0 %} //This is where you would assign your variable and set it to "0" or whatever number you want to start.
{% assign b = 0 %} 

{% for item in cart.items %} //looking at items in cart
{% if item.vendor == "Something" %} //matching vendor's name 
  {% assign a = a | plus: 1 %}

{% elsif item.vendor == "SomethingElse" %} //matching vendor's name
{% assign b = b | plus: 1 %}
{% else %}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if a > 0 and b == 0 %}
"a" is greater than 0 and "b" is 0 //This is printed if the rules apply

{% elsif a == 0 and b > 0 %}
"a" count is 0 while "b" is greater than 0 //This is printed if the rules apply

{% elsif a > 0 and b > 0 %}
Both "a" and "b" is greater than 0 //This is printed if the rules apply
{% else %}

//else nothing is printed

{% endif %}