Ambrosia insects usually live off sapwood and/or heartwood of dying or recently dead trees. The damage an infestation causes is largely down to the larvae, which live in timber and use it as a food source, boring extensive, very narrow tunnels. Numerous types of beetles may be present during a woodworm infestation and, while the common furniture beetle is the most common, it is important to note that treatment for this particular insect might not affect others. The boron solution is a widely known way to get rid of woodworms in furniture. This treatment will only knock down beetles in the home, and not beetles or woodworms in the wood. The best way of dealing with the Common Furniture Beetle is to use a Boron woodworm treatment. The woodworms are difficult to determine, since they are of small size and are inside the wood, only when they go outside we can see the holes and dust of sawdust or quera that is in the surroundings, so use natural repellents against woodworm is an excellent option to protect the furniture of our homes: Doesn’t leave unpleasant odours and dries quickly into the wood. One of the most common woodworms is the Common Furniture beetle. The house longhorn woodworm beetle, also known as the house borer, is a serious timber pest that may require specialist treatment. Some of the beetle problems can be dealt with by taking a DIY approach but other will require professional advice and treatment. Woodworm is actually a wood boring insect: the Common Furniture beetle. Woodworm is a generic name used to refer to wood-eating larvae of many species of beetles. Chose an insecticide labeled for wood-boring beetles or wood-infesting pests, such as products with Bifenthrin as the active ingredient. The common furniture beetle is, unsurprisingly, the most common type, the deathwatch beetle sounds scary but is reasonably easy to treat, while the longhorn beetle requires a professional bug killer. Now you know you have woodworm, check which type it is, as the woodworm treatment methods are different. Life Cycle: Varies according to the exact species of Ambrosia beetles. "Woodworm" is something of a misnomer, because the creatures that produce the tiny wormholes that mar wood furniture are actually beetles. Woodworm Signs: Surface of tunnels are coloured black or blue-black. Once the wood and timbers have been treated with InsectaSure woodworm treatment, the active ingredients work in the following ways: Unlike many other insecticides, this one is great as it’s a water-based product. How to get rid of woodworm with insecticides Boron woodworm treatment. It has been proven to treat timbers, eliminate beetles and larvae, and is a certified woodworm treatment for floorboards, furniture, oak beams, lofts and attics. Common Furniture Beetle. The most common cause of woodworm is the Common Furniture Beetle. Below are the three common beetles and how best to treat them: Common Furniture Beetle – this is the most common woodworm causing agent and often does not cause structural damage. Adult female beetles lay eggs on wooden surfaces that fall in small pores and crevices and hatch as wood-eating larvae. You’ll most often notice them once the infestation once it starts spreading, or from the flight holes of the adult beetles. They cannot infest seasoned timber and they do not need any treatment. It is dark brown to black in colour, although can appear more grey due to a light fur on its head and back.