2. Some grow tall and wide, some stay bushy and low, and some even trail. These plant varieties can become a real godsend for those who wish to freshen up the atmosphere of their office or house, even if there's a lack of sunlight. tall. Let's take a minute to talk about the light in our homes. They have great dark green leaves and even have small purple flowers that appear on the soil surface, although they’re usually hidden in the foliage. 4. They can also help improve air quality including reducing carbon dioxide, pollutants, airborne dust, and also increasing humidity and keeping air temperatures down. However, if a larger size then it can grow fairly dense so it could make a good cable or plug hider on the ground! Water your palm once a week or so. Here’s a super cool and pretty addition to your low light house plants that will spice up any room! Peace Lily ( Spathiphyllum ) Peace lilies are one of the top flowering plants that clean the air, thrive in low light, and don’t need a lot of care—just perfect for any bedroom. They grow very well in low light rooms and don’t depend on regular watering. In hanging baskets or on a high shelf, pothos will trail elegantly with long vines of thick leaves. suggestions. It’s sensitive to overwatering so be sure to only water once every two weeks or so when the soil is completely dry. ; Cast iron plant is a quirky plant that can get up to 24 inches (61 cm.) It grows more slowly in lower light environments, and will likely need a moss stick or structure to climb as it matures. It has glossy, dark green foliage and stunning white flowers, usually growing between 45 to 65 centimetres tall. Plants grow in dark places all over the world, generally inhabiting the undercanopy of forests. I always get the question: what can I put in a room that has no windows? Avoid aloe vera, ficus plants, hibiscus Meyer’s lemon and polka-dot plants as they all need higher levels of light. Create a Tropical Themed Bathroom With Plants That Love Humidity. Bonus: It gives off a nice scent, too. Favorite cultivars include: "White Lightning" with dramatic white stalks and large leaves with white veins, "Osaka" has small white and green patterned foliage and is low-growing, "Maria Christina" is a beautiful patterned emerald green and can get very large and dense, and "Sparkling Sarah" has unusual pink stems and pink/red variegated foliage. home improvement and repair website. Perfect for a bright window sill or desk. Houseplants are some of the funnest plants to work with because you actually live with them. i have one sitting under a lamp and its a fairly dark room, still thriving. Check out my articles on Society19! However, there are tons of interesting varieties and cultivars of hardy houseplants that are not only low-light but low-maintenance as well. Inside, most houseplants can thrive in bright indirect light. Succulents, cacti and other desert dwellers are best suited to sunny spots, while anything that naturally grows on the forest floor, under a canopy, or thrives in shade is a candidate for lower light situations. The genus dracaena is huge and contains plants that range wildly in color, size, and shape. They’re known as spider plants because they produce little “baby plants” at the end of their tips. Light: Low light or indirect light The philodendron family is enormous and includes a plethora of houseplants. Cast iron plant, Aspidistra elatior, thrives on neglect and lives happily in dark rooms with only occasional watering. Get notified about exclusive offers every week! Acclimate It - If your desired spot is unusually dark (or unusually bright) your new plant will need to be acclimated to it. Icing on the cake: sansevieria was ranked in NASAs list of best air filtering plants. They’ve been compared with having “corn-like” foliage which is what led to being named corn plant. You should water it about once a week or so. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. Peace Lily. The Spruce / Cara Cormack. It does require a little light so completely dark rooms won’t work out. "Domino" has white and green variegated foliage and a slight fragrance. These are the guys you're gonna want to get to know. Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zee Zee Plant) Not only does this houseplant grow happily in low-light areas of the home, but it is also very low maintenance and can be left alone with no attention at all for long periods of time, so you can go on vacation and not worry about coming home to a dead plant. Check out our list of plants that can grow without sunlight, here! This makes them a great floor plant for hiding cables and plugs or framing a dark fireplace. Although the peace lily is not a great option for a completely dark spot, it excels in medium to low light. This plant has a cool look and is very low-maintenance. It's always disappointing finding a houseplant that you love, but know won't grow in your cozy bedroom. Mint. Unlike most other low-light plants, the peace lily is water lover. More houseplants for low light. NEXT: Mint →. The ZZ … The plant is dense and low-growing, hardly ever exceeding three feet in height. Born in Texas but raised in the San Francisco Bay Area! Northern windows offer the least amount of light, followed by eastern which is usually good, and western which is considered ideal for most houseplants. just keep watered. ZZ plants are very sensitive to overwatering. You may have heard this maintenance-free houseplant called by its other name: Mother In Law's Tongue (because it is sharp and you just can't kill it). The Snake Plant makes an interesting addition to rooms with its swordlike leaves, almost appears as if it belongs in a dessert. Philodendron want to dry down between waterings and need only be watered once every ten days or so. With large shiny leaves and a fun, beefy shape, this plant adds strong vertical interest to any room. It also takes a lot of water so it needs to be watered about once a week for the full foliage and beautiful flower blooms! If your room has nice windows and you keep the blinds open, you probably have decent lighting. Copyright© Also called the "Devil's Vine" because it is impossible to kill, pothos makes a great low light statement for a spot that needs a trailing plant. They can live for many years if treated right and add lots of color and life to any room! When you first bring it home initially put your plant in a place with medium light and then move it little by little to your desired spot over the course of a week. It is a succulent, so it requires minimal care. Good ground cover option that won't take over grass. It typically has a great mixture of green and white to give a good boost of colors to any room. This plant can display colors from bright white to a stunning deep red. An added bonus of bringing a plant into the office is the way it can literally freshen the air. I have a passion for helping others and see journalism as a great way to reach and impact many people. It’s got an amazing look of almost being a mini palm tree with a big trunk and strappy leaves on top. Read on to find out plants that grow well in dark or low-light conditions. If you’re looking for an indoor shade plant that is aesthetically pleasing, the wandering Jew is the one for you. Do Repot When Needed - You do have to repot your plant into a larger pot once every two years or so. If you want some low light house plants with blooming flowers then you want a Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum! Shop Heart Leaf Philodendron or Monstera on Amazon. ZZ grow both wide and tall, tapering off at about four feet in height. Children have even been shown to be more attentive in rooms with plants. Philodendron The philodendron is a tropical plant that likes moist air and soft light. Makes a great addition to your low light house plants around your rooms! It can do well in high light all the way down to low and has a modern yet elegant feel. Among lower light plants, the peace lily is a fan favorite because it will actually bloom in low light! makes a cool addition to your low light house plants with its simple but elegant look! Place your dracaena in a spot with low or medium light, avoiding sunny spots. The Chinese Evergreen is very sensitive to over watering so be sure to only water when the soil is completely dry, once every two weeks or so. If the soil is even slightly moist, do not water. It grows wide and tall and has a slow grow especially in dark rooms. 1995-2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant) The ZZ plant is probably my top pick for a dark bedroom. Another addition to your low maintenance, low light house plants that give any room some color and life! After repotting, be very careful not to overwater since the new soil will retain lots of moisture. Shop Devil’s Ivy Golden Pothos or Marble Queen Pothos on Amazon. Don't know wha... Indoor gardening ? The ZZ plant basically thrives on neglect. Only a few plants will be able to thrive here including cactus, citrus, jasmine, and croton. It likes warm summers but is happy with winters between 50˚ and 60˚F. I have hopes to play a role in the continued development of journalism and in maximizing efforts to inform and inspire the public. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn commissions at no cost to you. 10 Houseplants that Need Hardly Any Wate... 10 Houseplants that Need Hardly Any Water. "Good sun" inside is judged a bit differently than outdoor sunlight. The easiest way to determine what will do well is to look to the plant’s natural conditions. Water only when dry, once every two to three weeks. If you want some low light house plants that would thrive in practically zero natural light environments then look into the ZZ Plant or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. Dark-Green Foliage, Wooden Furniture, Black-Framed Pictures Glazed Timber Garden Room – Connecting with Kitchen By Westbury Garden Rooms A living room fully decorated with indoor plants and stickers of plants (if interested) is referred to as a tropical theme. These versatile plants range in color and variegation including: neon green ("Limelight"), white and green striped ("Warneckii"), and even bright pink with white and green stripes ("Colorama"). Which then those baby plants can be replanted to make more plants! They fare great in darkened rooms or in low light. The Nerve Plant, Fittonia species, would make a very attractive addition to your low light house plants. There are several foolproof, classic plants for offices and darker homes. No matter how bright your home, there is considerably less light there than could sustain a full-sun landscape plant. These Cast Iron Plants are super tough low light house plants that are perfect for beginner plant owners. If it's winter, remember that come summer any nearby trees will be covered in leaves that may shade your desired window. "Bantels Sensation" has thin white and grey stalks, "Jaboa" has thick leaves rimmed in light pink, and "Laurentii" sports emerald green foliage rimmed in yellow. We have a room we recently put tinting on it that supposedly filters out so... Hello, I have some very ugly seafoam green vinyl siding on my house which I... Repair the Running Lights on Your Recreational Vehicle, Add Color to Any Room by Painting a Window Blind, Landscaping on a Hill: 5 Mistakes to Avoid. Corn Plants make unique low light house plants with their tall and thick trunk! Apidistra (Aspidistra elatior) is also known as the cast iron plant, an indication of the plant's ability to withstand neglect, including low light, drought and temperatures as low as 28 degrees F. In spite of its durability, apidistra is a slow-growing plant with shiny, dark … Water only when the soil is dry. It likes moderate to bright light and light, constant moisture, to boot. What are your favorite low light house plants? This art takes years to make and the finished products are dramatic and modern. To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience. Aloe prefers bright indirect light. You may recognize the common "corn plant" dracaena because it is frequently used in commercial areas. However , they have in common their ability to thrive in darker places with much less water and attention than conventional houseplants. Before you go houseplant shopping, take some time to observe your light, keeping in mind that's what determines what plants will do well there. Currents, dry air and direct sunlight as Efeutute not. Very few houseplants can grow without any natural light (except the ZZ plant and the Snake plant discussed below). It can add some drama, fill in a corner or breaking up a white or dark wall.” How to care for it: Find Woven Plant Baskets or Decorative Planters on Amazon. All rights reserved. Well, this (and the snake plant) are really the only plants I could recommend for zero natural light. This plant is great because it can have a wide variety of colors from bright white to a deep red! ). Below is a pick of plants that preform really well in shady situations (Some cope just as well with brighter conditions! Pothos does grow quickly and benefits from a bi-yearly haircut to keep it from getting leggy. Your houseplant has probably been living somewhere with bright indirect light and while it can live in lower or brighter light, sudden changes can cause declines in health. Peace Lily. Add some Arrowhead Plants to your collection of low light house plants for low maintenance and very cool plants! It’s easy to assume that all house plants are very high maintenance and require a lot of light but that’s not the case! Lower light plants that just remind you of the mall or boring office buildings are no fun at all. Avoiding a snake plant that looks too "mall-ish" is easy; new and interesting varieties are being developed all the time. The white cup-shaped flower looks elegant and simple against the dark green of its foliage. The aglaonema is renown for its huge variety of colors. Larger plants tend to be very dense and low, never reaching more than medium height. You may freely link Another plant that’s very sensitive to overwatering so be careful, they’re so low maintenance they almost need no water (about every three or four weeks). New growth comes in a lime green and darkens with age. Place your sansevieria in a dark, low light, or medium light spot. It’s not ideal for extremely dark rooms but dimly lit rooms would work fine! And all variegations do well in low light spots. Plants for Windowless Rooms. Cast iron plant produces dark green narrow leaves; there's also a variegated form, but it can be difficult to find. They are very slow growing, especially in dark spots. 9. The Arrowhead Plant, as named, has interesting arrow-shaped leaves that can come in a variety of colors. Most are suited best to low or medium light and cannot take overly dark spots. The easiest way to water your plant is to bring it to the sink or bath and soak it. If you forget to water it you might notice the flower will wilt dramatically but don’t worry because once you water it the flower should pop back up! You should never water your plant if it is sitting in a decorative container or saucer without drainage. Website operating Peace lilies are the minimalist luxury of house plants; just when you think it's just foliage, they produce gorgeous, sculptural white blooms. Cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior): This plant with large, deep green leaves has earned its common name because it's nearly indestructible.In addition to cool temperatures it will also take low light. my fave plant is the china doll, that seems to do really well inside dim light or skylight. The good news is plenty of plants can thrive in a dark apartment. It has a very beautiful dark green with a light green stripe in its leaves. It can go for weeks without water so it’s an extremely low maintenance plant that can thrive in low or bright light rooms. Who doesn’t want a mini bamboo forest right in their bedroom? These plants are fantastic for the difficult north facing rooms that are low in light. They need almost no water. Spathiphyllum, commonly known as the Peace Lily, has long been a popular house plant, especially since NASA featured it in its list of best air-purifying options. A Good Rule of Thumb - If you can comfortably read the newspaper at noon without having to flick on a light, you have enough light to grow plenty of houseplants. The ZZ plant is probably my top pick for a dark bedroom. Monstera planks help add a more tropical look to your low light house plants and your rooms. The variety "Sensation" is a monster peace lily, with leaves almost three times as large as the original spathiphyllum and a flower the size of a dessert plate. They can essentially grow in a closet. Its green leaves can get a partial pink, white, or light green coloring, however, in low light rooms it is more likely to be more green dominated but still full and lush! Then, let it sit and drain before replacing it. Good for low to medium light spots, pothos can adjust to almost any area. Dracaena can be tall and narrow or low and dense. They are known to bring good luck and also come in a variety of shapes to match any space or style. In the shade, it grows very well. Thick fleshy stalks produce glossy oval leaves. The Ponytail Palm is a fantastic addition to your low light house plants! Office Plants for Oxygenation in Dark Rooms. If you do have direct light, you'll find that most houseplants scald and burn there quite easily. Among these include: Snake plant, or mother-in-law’s tongue, with sword-like, stiff leaves bearing attractive green and often gold markings. Another plant widely used in indoor public spaces, the peace lily (Spathiphyllum) has large, dark green leaves. These plants are highly susceptible to over watering and sitting in water can be fatal. Housewarming Gifts For Your Friend’s First Apartment. The neanthe bella palm is one of the most versatile houseplants you can get. But these gadgets are typically unreliable and just don't work as well as the human finger. Dracaena "marginata" sport unusual spiky thin leaves and and the "mass cane" dracaena looks tropical, with palm-like canes and variegated plumes of foliage. And, it looks cool too. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica ‘rubra’) “The rubber plant has beautiful dark foliage with a pink new growth. You'll know its time when the plant becomes too big and unstable for its container and/or you can see roots emerging from the surface of the soil or protruding from the drainage holes. All information is provided "AS IS." Water once a week to once every ten days. That said, there are a few particularly resilient houseplants that are built to withstand the dark. love the maidenhair fern thats my second fave plant. It handles low light levels quite well, although its soil needs to be kept moist. I'm a determined, motivated individual striving to make a difference in this world. People tend to hang them in baskets, as the leaves flow over the sides and look quite lovely. Direct indoor light is hard to find and really only exists within three feet of an unobscured south facing window. If you want some hanging low light house plants then look into the Devils’ Ivy plant! Parlor Palm, or Neanthe Bella, are dense and low-growing low light house plants that are great for adding a modern and elegant feel to a room. Don't Repot Right Away - Keep your plant in its original plastic growers pot and simply sit it down into a decorative pot or basket (lined with a saucer if needed). It’s a great, unique look of hanging ivy that is a beautiful shade of green. Water Just Right - When you do water, give the plant a nice soak. View our Privacy Policy here. Chinese evergreen is a tropical plant and can tolerate adverse conditions, including poor light. Too much light can cause problems for certain plants as well. problems contact [email protected]. Some growers train pothos to climb up totems or onto frames for interesting low-light topiary. Dark spots are spots with no natural light at all. The juice from the leaves can relieve the pain of scrapes and minor burns. It can grow in either low or high light environments so place it anywhere you want! The neanthe bella can thrive in both moist and dry conditions, so watering is easy. You should water it about once a week or so. We welcome your comments and You can add some great colors and life to any room with the addition of a few plants. Parlor Palm, or Neanthe Bella, are dense and low-growing low light house plants that are great for adding a modern and elegant feel to a room. ZZ Plants for a Dark Classroom Pros: The ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifoliais) is considered a low-maintenance plant which doesn’t require much attention. DoItYourself.com®, founded in 1995, is the leading independent Featured Image Source: Photo by Katya Austin on Unsplash, 10 Best Disney Movies To Watch While Preparing For Finals, Different Ways To Style Your Makeup Based On Your Zodiac Sign, The 10 Best Christmas Holiday Decoration Items For Your Home, Home Decor That Screams ‘Happy Holidays 2020’, Ways To Make Your Vision Board A Part Of Your Decor, How To Decorate When You Live With Roommates, Adorable Halloween Decorations To Put Around Your House This Year, 10 Must-Have Purchases For Your First Apartment. It does great in low light environments, it’s durable, low maintenance, and overall makes fantastic for low light house plants for any kind of plant owner. Favorite varieties include: "Selloum" which is thick and busy, growing to five feet in height and four in width with interesting hand-like leaves, "Brasil" trails and has heart shaped variegated foliage, "Monstera" is a wide bush known for its cut-out foliage, and "Pink Princess" has large spade-like leaves that are red and green blotched with candy pink. Fertilize - Feed with a balanced fertilizer once a month from April-November. A dark green China doll plant (Radermachera sinica) is perfect for sliding into a bathroom corner near a window. Interesting cultivars include: "Neon" a bright yellow/green, "Pearls and Jade" a crinkly leaf with white and green blotches, and "Silver Satin" a large textured silver and white leaf. It has beautiful leaves that are silver, purple, and green, making it perfect for indoor gardens. A list of common low light indoor house plants that can take full or ... creativity, and overall well-being. ZZ Plant There are such things as water meters that are supposed to tell you when to water. It’s not ideal for extremely dark rooms but dimly lit rooms would work fine! Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be You can even cut off pieces of stem and place in water then give to your friends so they can grow their own! It can really brighten up a dark room with its tall height and foliage! Filtered light, like sunlight through a sheer curtain, would do it some good, but it’s forgiving of low light conditions, too. Water once every three to four weeks! Repot into a container with good drainage that is 2 inches larger in diameter than the previous pot. Aloe vera is a handy plant to have around. It’s a slow grower and is going to keep your bathroom looking green with its leathery foliage! Share them with us in the comments! Then with a short detour in Boulder, Colorado to get my bachelor's in Journalism with a minor in political science. Water once a week for full foliage and pretty blooms. Its beautiful green foliage is a cluster of small delicate palm fronds. they seem to adapt to whatever light they have. Many interesting plants can be grown indoors but usually ones that bloom, display bright colors, or produce fruit can need a lot of sun. Well, this (and the snake plant) are really the only plants I could recommend for zero natural light. Low light spots, alternatively, are areas farther than five feet from a good window, or near a window that may be frosted, obscured by trees or a patio outside, small or dim, or often covered by blinds. submitted to our "DoItYourself.com Community Forums". Even in a dim bedroom, there are plenty of options out there that will compliment your personal taste and style. It blooms a beautiful white cup-shaped flower in low light and looks great against its green foliage! Here are 15 low-light house plants for dark rooms! Aglaonema range in size and grow slowly, making for a great tabletop or desktop plant. While it does well in brightly-lit rooms, it can also tolerate dark rooms quite well. Once a week, check the soil by pushing your finger into the dirt as far as it can go. Related to the calla lily, the peace lily sends up a white flower with a similar shape. If you don’t particularly jive with any of the plants above, the following should also do well for you in window-less areas: Heart leaf philodendron (similar in habit to the devil’s ivy, but most of them are just a plain dark green instead of the beautiful mottled leaves of the devil’s ivy). Meyer lemon: This shrubby plant is the easiest of the citrus to grow indoors. Peace lily plants ( Spathiphyllum genus) are one of the most enduring and popular houseplants for the bedroom, and for good reason: Its glossy leaves thrive in high- or low-light situations, and the roots tolerate a variety of irrigation habits. Although the snake plant is full and dense, they grow more tall than wide and offer a great option for narrow corners or spaces behind other furniture. Yes, there are indoor plants that will grow in rooms that have no windows. If you feel the need to prune it , just be sure to wear gardening gloves to keep its sticky sap off your fingers. Calathea plants can have a beautiful purple accent on its dark green leaves and it can grow fairly tall (up to three feet tall) so it makes a great table or floor plant. The leaves can grow as large as two feet wide and even have big cuts or holes which led to another name for this plant the Swiss Cheese plant. Because some varieties have thin pliable canes, inventive growers are raising young dracaena and braiding and shaping their trunks slowly as they grow. Water only when completely dry, once every 10 days to two weeks. In medium light they will send off small white cup-shaped flowers. Chinese Evergreen, also known as Aglaonema, can make a great tabletop or desktop plant due to its size and speed of growth. Low light house plants make great room additions to spice up any personal space. If you only throw a glass of water on it the first inch of the soil might look moist, but the water has not been able to evenly reach the roots. Sansevieria is one of the best options for lower light. These are the guys you can purchase, pop on a shelf anywhere in your dark depressing room and not be … I got this plant as a gift and planted it about a month ago. Plus, this rugged plant spreads slowly, so it rarely needs repotting. China doll plants need bright, indirect sunlight and moist, well-drained soil, and must be protected from drafts. Peace lilies take well to propagation, so you can divide them and get new plants for other dark areas in your home. ... thank you so much. So when we talk about the best indoor plants for “low-light conditions,” what we really are trying to identify is the plants most tolerant of living in a dark apartment with one wall of windows (or possibly, one window). : Low E glass - can plants grow? Translucent sheets and bright green color typical of this species. Although this plant is not suitable for extremely dark spots, a dimly lit bedroom environment would do just fine. There’s a huge number of house plants that thrive well in low-light rooms and are fairly low-maintenance as well. Spider Plants are spiky, low light house plants that have a very unique look. Mint is one of the most prolific, undemanding plants to grow, and does well even in shaded rooms. I have had my ZZ plants in various locations around my house and in my dark classroom. Few things brighten a dim office like a plant. Thankfully, plenty don't. Although each plant on the list above has its own watering requirements, there are other general tips for care that they all have in common. The peace lily will wilt dramatically when it wants water, but will pop up easily once it gets a nice soak. I always get the question: what can I put in a room that has no windows?

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