Whose socks are those? For example: He asked if I still wanted to go to the show. It is one of the nicest Italian restaurants in town. 5. She sang the loudest. Interrogative pronouns: Pronoun: Asking for / about: Example: What? What books are you buying today? the interrogative what is not a pronoun because it is followed by the noun time. Distributive Pronoun. Relative Pronouns and Interrogative Pronouns. Whom do you want? See examples … Learn How to Use Interrogative Pronouns With the Help of Examples. Just as dónde, cómo is another example of “easy-to-understand” interrogative pronouns. We use who when the answer is the subject of the verb. Whom is always the object of a verb or a preposition. Depending on how you use them, you could be honoring or disrespecting a person! In English, there are just five: who, whom, whose, which, and what. Interrogative pronouns –Those which introduce a question. Who goes there? Who, which, what, whom, and whose. Interrogative Pronouns Pronouns used to ask questions to gain information. In English, the words “which”, “what”, and “whose” are interrogatives adjectives when they come in front of a noun. Which of these do you like better? An interrogative pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun and that asks a question. 1. Examples include: who, whom, whose, what, which. problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations. Who Pronoun Examples Interrogative Pronouns Dependent Clause Present Tense Verbs Relative Pronouns Pronoun Worksheets I Am Happy Grammar Definitions Relative and Interrogative Pronouns (Grade 6) A relative pronoun shows how a dependent clause relates to another noun or pronoun already mentioned in the sentence. Interrogative Pronouns are pronouns used to ask questions. This is used to ask which (of a group/set). In the following examples, interrogative pronouns have been italicized for ease of identification. In the following examples, the pronouns are italicized. Examples of interrogative adjectives include what, which and whose. We are going on vacation. Interrogative pronouns can also be used as relative pronouns, which may be found in questions or indirect questions. To whom are you speaking? In this video you will know Interrogative Pronoun in Detain and how to Use of Interrogative Pronouns with Examples in bangla. Remember! Whether they are used in question as to interrogate, they are called the interrogative pronoun respectively. Anybody who says it won’t be fun has no clue what they are talking about. Who is sitting in Which of these do you want? Examples of interrogative pronouns: Who (whoever) Whom (whomever) Which (whichever) What (whatever) Whose (whosever) Examples of interrogative pronouns used in a sentence: Who is laughing at me? For example: Interrogative pronouns are very easy to remember and use. The 8 types of pronouns in English grammar with examples include personal, interrogative, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, relative, reflexive and intensive. She is talking to Philip. Examples of Interrogative Pronoun: Which is your book? Note that in some cases the pronouns can vary in translation when they follow a preposition . In the examples, “Someone called this morning" and "Mary called this morning” The word someone functions like the noun (name), Mary, but it does not name anyone in particular. A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence and prevents repeating the name of the noun again and again. Interrogative pronoun ( ا س م الا س ت ف ه ام ) Interrogative pronoun is word used in the beginning of a sentence to ask questions, for examples: مَنْ ; مَتَى ; أَيْنَ Commonly, interrogative pronoun is indeclinable (مَبْنِيٌّ ). Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun. Since the basic function of a Pronoun is to take the place of Noun, Interrogative Pronouns are those that perform the function of Noun as the Subject or Object in a sentence and asks queries. To these interrogative pronouns, you can add the suffix ‘ever’ to get whatever, whoever, whichever, and whomever. Please submit your feedback or enquiries via our Feedback page. Learn How to Use Interrogative Pronouns With the Help of Examples The interrogative pronouns like who, which, what, etc., are used to ask questions. Some, such as “who” and “whom,” refer only to people. Distributive Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun Definition Examples In Urdu Distributive Pronoun A distributive pronoun can be defined as member of a group separately, rather than collectively such as each, either, any, neither. Scroll down the page for more examples and explanations on how to use interrogative pronouns. Others can be used to refer to objects or people. 4. Interrogative pronoun exercises. To interrogate is to question. “Who will be managing the buffet?” Interrogative pronouns can stand alone whereas interrogative adjectives cannot stand alone as they modify a noun or pronoun. “What is your name?” What is used to ask a personal noun that the speaker doesn’t know. Interrogative Pronouns A pronoun that can be used as a relative pronoun and that may be found in a question or indirect question is called an interrogative pronoun.

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