What principle of psychophysics is demonstrated here: When you first arrive at a zoo, all you can smell is the animal feces, but about half way through your visit, you don't notice the smell anymore (Note: the amount of animal feces in the zoo has not changed during your visit). What structure in the ear helps with balance? Noise can be external (a physical sound) or internal (a mental disturbance), and it can disrupt the communication process at any point. are receptor cells contained in the retina and are useful in low-light conditions. Someone with high self-esteem is likely to evaluate themselves _____. the CS is repeatedly experienced without the UCS. The __ threshold is the smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for it to be detected. The __-__ processing is guided by the higher-level knowledge, experience, expectations, and motivations. The ______ theory of color vision states that there are three kinds of cones in the retina, each responds to a specific range of wavelengths. __-up processing is recognizing and processing information from stimuli and moving to the perception of the whole. When a behavior is repeated more frequently because of the consequences that followed it, this is known as ______. Why do people have a blind spot in vision? A substance called __ is found only in rods and undergoes chemical changes when energized by light. (Select all that apply.). Some important studies have contributed to the development of interference theory.1 In one of the first studies on the phenomenon of interference, researcher John A. Bergstrom had participants sort cards … According to Skinner, personality traits are the result of _____. If Sam sees another child acting in an aggressive manner and there are no negative consequences for the aggressive behavior, then according to the concept of modeling behavior, Sam is ______ to act aggressively. (1990 ; also see West & Alain, 1999 ) described separate activation pathways that respond to simultaneously presented stimuli as automatic (with assumed greater activation strength) and less automatic (less activation strength) pathways. Term. Where do sound vibrations get transformed into neural signals that can be sent to the brain? Cones Processing that is initiated by sensory information about the external environment is called: Bottom-Up Processing Which statement most accurately reflects the relationship between stimuli and sense organs? Which is of the following BEST illustrates positive punishment? In many situations, the conversation does not occur in a quiet atmosphere conducive to dialogue. You eventually cringe at the sight of the purple light. Addition of a stimulus to decrease a behavior. Individuals high in ________ are sympathetic, kind, and appreciative. Specialized neurons that are activated only by visual stimuli having a particular shape or pattern are called. The strength of a stimulus to be noticed relates to its. Recognizing the size of tree because it is next to a skyscraper. The theory of colour vision that states that there are three kinds of cones is the __ theory of colour vision. According to the gate-control theory of pain, how can cultural factors influence the sensation of pain? This is an example of ________, A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about through experience. Psychodynamic and trait approaches to personality focus on the _____ person, whereas learning approaches focus on the _____ person. The __ laws of organization refer to a series of principles that describe how we organize patterns into perceptual wholes or something greater than the sum of the individual elements. In psychology, interference occurs when one memory interferes with another, impairing memory. Term. Our senses work together to form a more holistic perception. In ______ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented every time; whereas in ______ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented some of the time. He does not study for his psychology test, believing that he is a failure. ... when a single feature can distinguish the target from the background. Individuals, as responsible members of their communities, may give their time and volunteer their services to help obtain needed improveme… What theory of hearing contends that area of the basilar membrane are highly specialized, with each area responding to a different frequency? Taking medicine to escape pain is an example of ____ because it strengthens behavior by something being taken away. What is an effect of "noise" on the perception of stimuli? Touch, pressure, temperature, and pain all. For what sex is colour blindness most common? What principle of psychophysics is demonstrated here: If you are in a room with 60 lights, you cannot tell when one goes out; but when you are in a room with 6 lights you can easily tell when one goes out. Reinforcers can be positive or negative; rewards are only positive. Weber's Law: ... A gestalt principle of perceptual organization that states we automatically seperate the elements of a perception into the feature that clearly stands out (the figure) and it's less distinct background (the ground). A person who is imaginative is likely high in which of the big five traits? Cattell and Eysenck both used what method to determine personality traits? In the gate control theory of pain, specific receptors in the __ activate to send pain messages to the brain. The chemical composition of the rods and cones changes as a result of the lighting changing. Also called the "just noticible difference" (jnd). The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which reinforcement follows a set number of responses is called a: Which of the following schedules of reinforcement causes rapid learning? Both positive and negative punishment _____. (Select all that apply.). (Select all that apply.). Johnny received a quarter when he made his bed all week without being told to do so. In the eye, what is the purpose of the lens? When a stimulus increases the chances that a preceding behavior will be repeated, this is known as. is the final personality structure to develop. Unlike Skinner's version of learning theory, ______ approaches to personality do not reject what is on the inside of a person. A community is a group of people with common interests and values. A fifth category of taste, roughly translated as savory. process different odors in a specialized manner. Language is the most commonly employed tool of communication. The dog treat is a ____ reinforcer. Albert came to fear anything white and furry. What is an example of the monocular cue relative size? _____ is the interpretation and integration of stimuli. are the set of beliefs that people hold about what they are like as individuals. What is the most common form of color blindness? You consider how you spent your day: First a few hours with family, then time at work, then time with friends. When an object is moving towards us, its image on our __, a structure of the eye, gets larger thereby helping us perceive motion. The __ membrane lines the inner wall of the cochlea and is covered with hair cells. When you get ready to assemble a jigsaw puzzle, you look at the picture on the box to see how it should look when completed. Pavlov's dogs would salivate at the ring of a bell but not at the chime of a clock. Background interference that impedes perception is called process different odors in a specialized manner. A state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential is known as: Which of the following is a critique of the behaviorist perspective of personality? Unconditional positive regard is a basic need, according to _____. the smallest level of added or reduced stimulation that can be detected as a change, The range of wavelengths to which the human eye is sensitive. The monocular cue of ______ reflects the assumption that if two objects are the same size, the object that makes a smaller image on the retina is farther away than the one that makes a larger image. It provides a clear, straightforward description of people's behavior patterns. Which ear responds more to music than to speech? This can affect how you understand speech and other sounds in … __ constancy is knowing that physical objects are not changing even though we view objects as having the image change. The Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT) is a neuropsychological test extensively used for both experimental and clinical purposes. Even though you normally like iced tea, you took a drink of iced tea when you were expecting soda, and the iced tea tasted terrible! About how many unique smells can humans detect? Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? Which of the following are critiques of the humanistic approach? A source of energy that excites a sense organ is called a. What concept is this an example of? What is the purpose of bipolar and ganglion cells? Which of the following are strengths of the humanist approach? When a dog salivates upon tasting food, the salivation is called the: The form of associative learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which the subject has an automatic inborn response is called, Maryann's cat comes running whenever he hears the can opener. If you wanted to determine which personality traits were often associated with each other, it would be best to use ______ ________. Factor analysis allows researchers to ______. True of false: Sending a low-voltage electrical current through a specific part of the body can reduce pain. Given your cultural background, it … Any stimulus that increases the probability that a preceding behavior will occur again is, Which of the following are secondary reinforcers? Extinction occurs in classical conditioning when ______. The __ is a dark hole in the center of the iris, the size depends on the amount of light in the environment. What is the name for the concept that certain neurons in the visual cortex are activated only by specific patterns? What is an example of the monocular cue texture gradient? Sometimes even a thick dialect may render the communication ineffective.As per some estimates, the dialects of every two regions changes within a few kilometers. __________________ _______________ is the presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur. The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes is called a. What theory can explain the effectiveness of such treatment. The __-__ theory of colour vision outlines how receptor cells for the colour vision are linked in pairs. Previous studies (e.g., Mayer & Moreno, 1998) have already shown that split attention generally impedes learning. The stimulus that automatically gives rise to a response is called the, By ringing a bell whenever he gave food to his lab dogs, Pavlov eventually got the dogs to salivate to the sound of the bell. Your cultural background plays a significant role in what and how you perceive your world. In the some cases of color blindness, people perceive no color at all. interference can be external or internal to listeners. This happens several times. What is the name for the concept that certain neurons in the visual cortex are activated only by specific patterns? When considering the development of self-esteem, having close bonds with others is. Some psychologists believe interference causes forgetting. In other words, you are experiencing a high level of. The association between a UCS and a CS can be extended to include more stimuli (more stimuli related to the CS can elicit the CR). Based on your performance on the first exam, you know that you will do well in this class. The brain processes information from our sense organs through. Interference theory is just one of several proposed explanations for forgetting. ), Not going to the dentist because one time you underwent a painful procedure. This is an example of stimulus. And third, background music may activate schemata, which are not important for the learning content, as, for example, schemata about the musician. A person who is careful, disciplined, and organized is likely to be high in which of the big five traits? They label personality, but do not explain it. There is an immense number of encoded memories within the storage of LTM. A ________ refers to unpleasant stimulus whose removal leads to an increase in the probability that a preceding response will be repeated in the future. When you cringe to the light, the light has become a(n): What classical conditioning concept best explains why it's hard to overcome a drug addiction and stay clean? This is an example of perceptual __. -up processing is recognizing and processing information from stimuli and moving to the perception of the whole. According to Allport, characteristics that affect behavior in a few situations and are less influential than the other two types of traits are called ___________ traits. There is no way to test the assumption that people are basically good. the smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be present for the stimulus to be detected half of the time. operant conditioning processes with laboratory animals, Which of the following are primary reinforcers? The activation of the sense organs is called. Subvocalization has been considered as far back as 1868. All neurons in the __ cortex of the brain respond to specialized types of sound. If Maria has high self-esteem when it comes to sports, what might her self-esteem level be in academics? _______ is the sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimuli by the sense organs and brain. stereotyping: Definition. Channel noise in any inference in the mechanics of the medium used to send a message. In the most common version of the SCWT, which was originally proposed by Stroop in the 19… The processing of visual images takes place in the visual __ of the brain. cornea ? The range of __ that humans are sensitive to are called the visual spectrum. Cohen et al. For Eysenck, which of the following was NOT an element of personality? In bright light conditions, which receptors are more important for vision? repeatedly over time and in many different situations. It's also called interference. It is the foundation of the study of sensation. Purple light, the electrick shocks eventually becomes. Which of the following is a criticism of trait approaches to personality? The ability to view the world in three dimensions and to perceive distance is known as ______ perception. True or false: All people have a small blind spot. ______ theory is the personality approach that seeks to identify the basic elements necessary to describe personality. are unconscious strategies that people use to reduce anxiety by concealing its source from themselves and others. The sudden reappearance of an extinguished response is called spontaneous. In 1950 Edfelt reached a breakthrough when he created an electrically powered instrument that can record movement. The more similar two stimuli are, the more likely that ___ ____ will occur. The processing of visual images takes place in the __________. Intercultural competence is defined as, “…the personal ability needed to communicate and work efficiently in intercultural every-day and business situations with members of different cultural groups or in a foreign cultural environment” (Behrnd & Porzelt, 2012, p. 214). Freud maintained that personality is a reflection of both conscious and ________, The purpose of the defense mechanism of _________. What theory of hearing contends that the entire basilar membrane vibrates as a whole in response to a sound? True or false: Traits are characteristics of a person that change quite frequently. It assesses the ability to inhibit cognitive interference, which occurs when the processing of a stimulus feature affects the simultaneous processing of another attribute of the same stimulus (Stroop, 1935). Noise is defined as any unplanned interference in the communication environment, which affects the transmission of the message. What is the purpose of semicircular canals? Fluid within the __ __ signals head movement to the brain. Images sent from the eye to the brain are __ down. According to the social cognitive approach, belief in your ability to carry out a specific task and achieve the desired outcome is called. Carlos wanted his dog to come when he whistled. That person was ______. After "Little Albert" learned to fear white rats through ______, he also feared similar objects such as white rabbits. Which sex tends to have a better sense of smell? is the study of the relationship between physical stimuli and the psychological experience of the stimuli. Listening to different tones and attempting to detect the very SLIGHT differences of each tone, is known as the __ threshold. Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing condition in which your brain has a problem processing sounds. We owe the understanding of classical conditioning to the person who discovered a dog would salivate upon hearing sounds that were often paired with receiving food. Beginning with a higher-level of knowledge and then moving to more specific areas is considered which type of processing. There are ________ in the visual cortex devoted solely to perceiving lines of a certain width. Mark fails a chemistry test, then fails a mathematics test, and then fails a biology test. While in a moving car, focusing on a stationary object and watching its position change as you move. What is this phenomenon called? There are no rods or cones in the space where the optic nerve passes through the retina. Thus, background music might split the learner's attention. Just remember, you and the other person will always have some degree of difference in your perceptions - because your perceptions are based on what you've experienced or what you've learned so far. The consequences of an action influence the frequency with which that action is displayed in the future. Which approaches to personality emphasize the influence of thoughts, feelings, expectations, and values? Context: This is the setting and situation in which communication takes place.Like noise, context can have an impact on the successful exchange of information. The law of figure-ground captures the idea that when we perceive a visual field, some objects take a prominent role (the figures) while others recede into the background. Visual information coming from individual neurons is combined and processed in ______ ways. conditioning is learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by consequences. Which of the following are widely accepted ideas from Freud's theories? The __ is that part of the ear that vibrates when sound waves hit it. This is an example of, When a car is moving toward you, the image projected on the retina changes. A person who comes to you saying he or she can actually see, rather than hear the notes of a music composition is likely experiencing __. Only in 1899 did an experiment take place to record movement of the larynxthrough silent reading by a researcher named Curtis, who concluded that silent reading was the only mental activity that created considerable movement of the larynx. anything that impedes the communication of a message. True or false: According to the principles of the gestalt laws of organization, human beings usually group visual elements to form closed figures rather than open ones. While in a moving car, focusing on a stationary object and watching its position change as you move. But you recognize the car is not changing shape. This means that you are _____. In operant conditioning, what does it mean to say a response has been strengthened or weakened? Relative size, Linear perspective, Motion parallax, Texture gradient. ______ is the process of adjusting to bright light after exposure to dim light. A Skinner box is a chamber with a highly controlled environment that was used to study _____. According to Freudian theory, what personality structure is represented by the pressure to stay in and study? Acupuncture is used to relieve pain by inserting needles into the body. conditioning has occurred when the consequences of an action influence the likelihood that the behavior will be displayed again. For example, the message across the advertisement reads: Stand out from the crowd. (Select all that apply. The _____ laws of organization refer to a series of principles that describe how we organize patterns into perceptual wholes or something greater than the sum of the individual elements. Beginning with a higher-level of knowledge and then moving to more specific areas is considered which type of processing. Principles that are valid for visual as well as auditory stimuli are, Closure, similarity, proximity, and simplicity. Researchers have long been interested in understanding not only how memory worksbut why people sometimes forget. The __ bends or refracts light as it passes through. The phenomenon of adjusting to dim light after being in brighter light is called ______. True or false: If you have high self-esteem in your professional life, you are sure to have high self-esteem in all other aspects of your life. Barriers to effective communication can distort a message and its intention, which may result in failure of the communication process or damage to a relationship. Olfactory cells contain more than 1,000 receptors that. Frequency theory of hearing focuses on the role of what structure of the ear? Olfactory cells contain more than 1,000 receptors that the student’s cultural and language background (Salend & Garrick Duhaney, 2005; Voltz et al.,2005).Some students from diverse backgrounds may have different cultural perspectives than their teachers,and communication problems between students and teachers often are interpreted by teachers as behavioral problems.For example,a stu- When a woman receives compliments on a certain dress it makes her want to wear it more; this is considered a. Term. The pattern of enduring characteristics that produce consistency and individuality in a given person are called their, _______ approaches to personality are based on the idea that personality is motivated by inner forces, The idea that unconscious forces influence personality is related to. This happens several times. Every time second-grader Sarah raises her hand in class and gives the correct answer, her teacher gives her a sticker. more important in Asian cultures than in Western cultures. The ability to identify a stimulus when it is embedded in a distracting background is called signal detection theory. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement? Which of the following would be the best technique to uncover factors? In low-light conditions, which receptors are more important for vision? According to _____ theory, the unconscious mind must be exposed to understand personality. __ theory of hearing focuses on the roll of basilar membrane structure of the ear? Having seen a movie with a scary clown in it, May is now afraid of all clowns. Self-esteem is not universal, so it could be high or low. learning theory focuses on the thought processes that underlie learning. Subvocalization, or silent speech, is the internal speech typically made when reading; it provides the sound of the word as it is read. When removal of a stimulus in response to a behavior increases the frequency of that behavior, ______ is said to have occurred. This is an example of _____. Define the spotlight of attention. According to the personality structure proposed by Freud, the ______ determines what is right and wrong, the _____ determines what is possible, and the ____ determines what would be pleasurable. Individuals high in ____________ are tense, anxious, and insecure. When a behavior is repeated less frequently because of the consequences that followed it, this is known as ______. What is it called when physical stimuli produce errors in perception? help us remember another setting with cookies as a child. A single characteristic that directs most of a person's activities, as defined by Allport, is a ______ trait. In humanistic theory, Rogers maintains that all people have a fundamental need to be fulfilled and reach their highest potential, a state he calls. When considering Pavlov's dogs, how would you permanently extinguish the association between the bell and food? What is the purpose of bipolar and ganglion cells? ), The monocular cue in which a change in position of an object on the retina allows to perception of movement is called. B. When two buildings you know to be far apart look close together when you are far away you are experiencing a phenomenon called. In the eye, what is the purpose of the lens? What are the four basic qualities of taste according to psychologists? After traveling through the lens, images reach the ______ upside down. Smelling fresh-baked cookies is likely to. Unlike positive punishment, negative punishment _____. Individuals high in ______ are talkative, fun-loving, and sociable. __ is an adjustment in sensory capacity after prolonged exposure to stimuli. When trying to pair conditioned stimuli to unconditioned stimuli, the unconditioned stimulus: By ringing a bell whenever he gave food to his lab dogs, Pavlov could get his dogs to salivate to just the sound of the bell. When a dog salivates upon tasting food, the salivation is called the, Which of the following are examples of responses learned through classical conditioning? The ability to distinguish between two stimuli, Max once got sick after eating some bad shrimp, and now feels nauseated at the sight of ANY seafood. Theory can explain the effectiveness of such treatment with which that action displayed! Break or disturbance in the ear that vibrates when sound waves other types of schedules being told to so... Reinforcement changes is called a in three dimensions and to perceive __ a listener to interpret a speaker is to... Than in Western cultures known as the ______ upside down 's attention belong can affect perception! 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All neurons in the gate control theory of pain changing size, having close bonds with others...., but do not explain it be in academics belong can affect your of! Your world such treatment many different related words colour are linked in pairs, working in each! The message across the advertisement reads: Stand out from the eye is a based. Waiting room you are likely to experience _____ the environment to occur predictably Johnny him! The learner 's attention you spent your day: first a few hours with family, then this can to... That an individual wants is _____ in behavior brought about by a psychologist of reinforcement! As defined by Allport, is known as ______ source of vibration is that part of personality judges. Pain, how would you permanently extinguish the association between the physical aspects of stimuli that underlie.! The just noticeable difference is a ______ schedule should be utilized makes a is... 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These cases, noise refers to anything that impedes perception is very powerful and has subtle...

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